We are excited to have a part in the lives of missionaries’ children. This is a unique ministry, since growing up in 2-3 diffferent cultures means that MK’s have a childhood like no other. By providing educational support to missionaries and their families, we know that we play a vital role in seeing the Gospel come to those who have never heard. We count it a privilege to use the opportunities that God gives us to help them grow in their relationship with Him, whether it be through formal preparation in school, or through informal times of discipleship in every day life situations. Shilo is the daughter of our our late pastor Warren and his wife LaRae Damschen. https://blogs.ethnos360.org/brad-cain/
I'm currently working on a Bible Dictionary type of book for Thai Bible students. In Thailand right now people who want to study the Bible often have to learn English to be able to read Bible dictionaries or commentaries, because there is a very limited materials available. Most of those that are available are commentaries. For Bible students a Bible Dictionary is usually preferable. Hopeful by putting this book together with my Thai sister more people will be able to more easily study the Bible. We are also working on translating an online Bible School website.
I'm doing life coaching on-line and sometimes in person. 98% of the people I coach are missionaries or people in ministry. I love being a part of their lives and walk to serve God. I'm still tutoring, teaching in Bible Schools (often on zoom rather than in person right now) and have online Bible students from Korea.
Amy Cunningham went on a mission trip to India over twenty years ago and returned with pastor Daniel. Pastor Warren Damschen went to India to see the work being done there by pastor Daniel and the church has supported CFM since. Christian Faith Ministries Association, born in 1975, as a result of fervent urge to attempt great things for God, has been working miracles in building the body of Christ. Pastor Daniel leads a congregation of 350-500. CFM has planted 525 Churches, and Faith Bible College graduates 25 (on average) students each year. Since 1990 it has sent out 524 pastors and evangelists to un-reached villages.CFM’s Victory Residential School currently has 324 students with 24 teachers.CFM’s Mercy Children’s Home currently has 50 orphans. CFM currently providing for 31 lepers monthly, and the Old age Home provides for 3-7 daily. This update was done November 2017. To learn more about pastor Daniel visit his Facebook page here:
We support an indigenous pastor that we can’t share information about on the internet. He is supported thru Advancing Native Missions, a US-based agency bridging the gap between the native missionaries in the global harvest fields and the Church in the West. As this bridge, we aim to initiate and foster relationships between individuals, organizations, and churches with those native missionaries who have demonstrated their effectiveness in reaching the remaining unreached across the nations. Learn more about ANM
Brady and Candy Farr both grew up in missionary families. Brady's parents were missionaries with American Missionary Fellowship in rural Washington State, and Candy's parents were missionaries with New Tribes Mission in two remote tribal locations in Venezuela and Brazil.
From an early age, both Brady and Candy desired to serve the Lord in missions. God has prepared them for this work through 14 years of pastoral ministry together. In 2011 The Farrs joined Biblical Ministries Worldwide and moved to Johannesburg, South Africa to serve in planting a church, teaching at a Bible Institute, and working in orphan ministry. Brady and Candy have five children, Travis, Dylan, Ashleigh, Emma and Mbali.
Our specific purpose is to assist the small and rural church – short term or long term. With over thirty years of experience as an assistant pastor, George founded Eagle Summit Ministry in the fall of 1996. He has often described his ministry as that of a “circuit-riding assistant pastor.”
He has served in youth, children’s, outreach, Christian education, and camp ministries.
As an accomplished ventriloquist with a gift of humor, George has spoken at teen, children and family camps across the country as well as Christian schools, summer Bible outreaches (DVBS) and Awana clubs. He is based in Spokane Washington. You can learn more by going to his web page here: On October 23, 2021 Diane entered Heaven after a long fight with health problems.
Serving in eastern Washington, Robert McDowall (husband of Cindy) wears a number of hats, such as church planting; youth discipleship; pastoral placement; pulpit fill for churches whose pastor is sick or on vacation, or who are temporarily without a pastor; Bible studies; etc. He also serves as assistant director at Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp in Cocolalla, Idaho with other InFaith field staff members. Robert’s passion is leading people to salvation in Jesus Christ.
Robert and Cindy McDawall, came to the Seven Bays area going door to door and found people with a desire for a church here. Warren Damschen was approached to minister to this area and he accepted. The McDowall’s have been a part of LRBC from the beginning. You can go to his web page to learn more here http://infaith.org/ministry/field-staff/robert-cindy-mcdowall/
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